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assembly [ə'semblɪ] n
comp., MS 組件 (A managed application module containing class metadata and managed code as an object in SQL Server, against which CLR functions, stored procedures, triggers, user-defined aggregates, and user-defined types can be created in SQL Server)
assembly [ə'semblɪ] adj.
comp., MS 組譯碼 (A collection of one or more files that are versioned and deployed as a unit)
 English thesaurus
assembly [ə'semblɪ] abbr.
abbr., auto. ASSY/assy
abbr., polym. ass.
abbr., tech. ass'y
mil., abbr. asm; asmb; ass
mil., logist. In logistics, an item forming a portion of an equipment, that can be provisioned and replaced as an entity and which normally incorporates replaceable parts or groups of parts. (FRA)
tech., abbr. asbly
ASSEMBLY [ə'semblɪ] abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly (Natalya Rovina)
: 20 phrases in 1 subject